#!/usr/bin/perl # # Online Journal program by Sergey Zozulevich, zuzusoft@usa.net # http://kompashka.hypermart.net/download/ # # Original idea by Julie Tran, jul@nucleus.com # http://www.nucleus.com/~jul/ # # We use cgi-lib.pl by Steven E. Brenner, cgi-lib@pobox.com # http://cgi-lib.stanford.edu/cgi-lib/ # ### CONFIGURATION - INDIVIDUAL JOURNAL SETTINGS ### ### FORMAT JOURNAL OUTLINE ### # Set the default startup behaviour for this journal. # Which page should the script open by default? # "1" means the first entry, "0" means outline. # Any other value means the last entry: $default_startup = "0"; # If you wish the chapters to be listed in reverse order in the outline, # set the next variable to true. Empty string means - list in direct order: $reverse_order = ""; # Chapter number, determined as the chapter's filename without extension, # may be preceded with a word "Chapter ", "Page " or some symbol # when the journal outline is printed: $chapter_prefix = "\ - "; ### FORMAT CHAPTER TITLE AND TEXT ### # You may, of course, wish to put tags directly into each entry's file. # In this case, clear the next five variables. # If you wish line breaks (hard returns) to be converted to
tags, # set the next variable to true. Empty string means - ignore line breaks: $lf_to_br = "true"; # If you wish to format the chapter's title specially, # put the desired tags in the next variable: $title_format = ""; # Close the title format tags in the next variable, if necessary. # You may also open other tags for the chapter text here: $title_format_close = ""; # If you wish to format the chapter's text specially, # put the desired tags in the next variable: $text_format = ""; # Close the chapter text's format tags in the next variable, if necessary. # You may also open other tags for the chapter text here: $text_format_close = ""; ### CONFIGURE AND FORMAT NAVIGATION BAR ### # URL for the link like "Home", or "Up": $home_link_url = "http://ancient.gameznet.com/"; # If you wish to format the navigation links specially, # put the desired tags in the next variable: $navbar_format = ""; # Close the navbar format tags in the next variable, if necessary: $navbar_format_close = ""; # Enter desired texts for navigation links. # Empty string means - don't print this link: $first_link_text = "\<\;\<\;"; $prev_link_text = "\<\;"; $next_link_text = "\>\;"; $last_link_text = "\>\;\>\;"; $contents_link_text = "Contents"; $home_link_text = "home"; # NOTE: $contents_link_text will be also used as the contents' title! # If you wish to enclose links in brackets - good old style, here you are. # If no, clear the next two variables (say, to use image tags for links). # You may also separate links with pipes or bullets - if so, set the # $left_link_bracket ONLY - say, to "\&\#149\;" for bullet: $left_link_bracket = "["; $right_link_bracket = "]"; ### END OF INDIVIDUAL CONFIGURATION ### 1;