No Lights, No Camera, Just Action to Buy

Selling is a balance of give and take. You give your customer what they want to know about your product or service can do for them, and then they take it from you in exchange for a price. Most often referred to as closing, you ask them to make a decision by suggesting they take action. Three ideas on helping your customer to take action:

1 --- Words we use have power. The word "close" as we often think of it is not necessarily a positive one. Reframe your thinking to something like, decide, resolve, take action or "I'm helping the customer to buy."

2 --- Build some fun into helping your customer make a decision to buy your offer. When I'm doing a book signing at bookstores, after my program I want to sell books! So I may ask something like,"Now I know you want to have one copy for your car, another for your desk. And hey, while you're buying my book, why not help a friend and buy one for them?!" Sprinkle in a little humor and make it fun for the customer to make a decision.

3 --- Ask for the business. My speaking coach recently put a new light on how to ask. Ask for the order so the customer feels they just cannot live without your product or service. For me it translates to something like, "... so with all of this, how about we secure that date for your event so you don't let this most inspiring program slip away?"

Selling is as easy or as stressful as you make it to be. When you use any one of these three tips, you'll be more helpful in guiding your customer to make a decision.

Copyright 1999. Patricia Weber is a speaker, trainer and author. She is available for keynotes, workshops and coaching. Bolster your customer service and to achieve more results in selling. Email her at Visit her web site at