Build It and They Will Come?

By: Craig Hardee

One of my favorite movies is Field of Dreams. An ordinary guy had a dream, one that was looked upon as being a very odd dream. But he worked and carried through with the dream of building a ballfield in the midst of his cornfield.

And the players came. And the people came. One of the most famous lines of that movie was the phrase, If you build it, they will come.

Yet while I really like the movie and would like to make the application to my domain online, it just doesn’t fit. It would be nice if it did, but it doesn’t.

Many of us are carrying through with our dreams by putting up websites and domains on the Internet. The Internet may be the Cyberspace Field of Dreams for some. But the famous saying of the movie just doesn’t cut it online.

Think about it for a second. The guy in the movie was building something totally unique to its surroundings. It created attention all by itself. But what we’re building on the Internet is about as unique as all the cornstalks in Iowa. We can’t just build it and they will come. We can learn from the movie Field of Dreams however.

Here are a few things to consider:

1) It’s okay to follow your dreams. The Internet has opened up the possibilities for many people to follow their dreams. We can build something that’s worldwide, something we couldn’t have done just a few years ago.

2) Hard work pays off. Our movie star worked hard to build his ballfield, and we need to work hard too to build our Field of Dreams online. Our hard work doesn’t stop when our field is built. Instead, another phase of it starts as we work to let people know about our field and why they should visit, participate and buy.

3) It pays to do it right. Don’t go halfway in following your dreams. Do it right. It may take longer, but it will be more fulfilling in the end. In the movie, the guy built the whole field, not just the infield.

If your dream is your own domain, build the whole thing, not just the infield. So, go, create your field of dreams online, but know that when it’s built, your work has just begun. And since this article is about a baseball movie, here’s the pitch..

The best system for building your Field of Dreams online is the Cyber Estate domain hosting package. I highly recommend it and I use it!

It has the space for your entire field, plus room for expansion. It also has the tools to help you after you build it to bring people to your field. For more information on the Cyber Estate and other domain hosting packages, go to:

Craig Hardee is building his Field of Dreams at Your Internet Multiplex. He’s still building, but his dream is to be a multiplex of services, shopping, information, fun and more.

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