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September 2000

I'm working on it...
- reported by shiva on 9/20/00 @ 4:51 am EST

I check my email about 5 times a day, and usually it's with dread that someone sends me something that requires some form of work on my part. Now it's double the form of dread, as I have been bombarded with demands for this manual or that strategy.

It's bad enough that I almost drown in all those spam I seem to get everyday, without having to put up with the demands to supply information I don't have, or the person was to lazy to actually look for it on the site, or too impatient to wait for the time when I post the information. So I will make this clear, yet once again, and this time, for those of you who have written to me, I will speak real slow.

This site IS NOT OPEN, this is a PREVIEW only. There are only a few manual sections up, because this site IS NOT OPEN. When I have the spare time, and when I FEEL LIKE IT, I will continue to add the manuals, but untill then, I will ONLY WORK AT THE PACE I WANT TO.

I feel no need to rush anything, in fact, I'm taking as much time as I want. I did say shivaSite had no restrictions, and since I'm not earning anything at the moment, I will do what ever I do when I am DAMN WELL GOOD AND READY.

Okay, everyone got that? :)

In other words, no matter what you ask, my answer shall be... I'm working on it.

Oh, post on the forum as well. Be nice to see at least my efforts are not being wasted. Actually, I know I'm harping on this subject, but I think I did a pretty decent job on the forum. :)

- reported by shiva on 9/17/00 @ 6:41 am EST

I had almost forgotten my own little personal rant section, passed off as news worthy items in the old site. It has been over a year since I last did a shivaView, in fact I had forgotten all about it. I could plead old age, and more than likely get away with it, but it would be a poor excuse, and I would rather be known for my great excuses than my poor ones.

Some site business to start. As you can tell, I am still working on the site. A couple of pages have yet to be fixed, and some minor details need to be looked after, but so far, I'm on time according to my site plan guide. It looks like Netscape works fine on this site, although a couple of minor details still need to be done. For the most part, the site looks exactly the same in both browsers, without any major screw-ups on my part. Just some CGI to fix, and a couple of odds and ends remain, and I will be doing those later on today, after I get some sleep.

I admit to being pretty pleased with the way the site is shaping up. I think the reason is this was carefully planned and mapped out by myself. I didn't have to make any last minute changes, like I did with GameSurge, that can end up messing things around. As you may have noted, the CGI news script is up now, which is the very first time shivaSite has ever had CGI. (I find that both amazing, and humbling. I HAVE come a long way.)

Hmm, what else? I could also regale you with tidbits of my 20 years plus experience in the game industry, but I decided instead to continue harping on about this site. The juicy stuff can wait till I open.

Before anyone emails me, I will be changing a couple of things here and there as well. Just minor cosmetic changes to the various manual sections, before I start work on the next manual section, which will be for the Colecovision. In fact, the Colecovision section will be quite large, and judging by the shape of the files I have, may take a little while. So no emails please, I'm named after a God, so I know everything anyway. :)

I am also finding myself a little distracted by the Olympics. It's 4 in the morning here, and I'm working part-time on the site, and watching full-time the games. It was a very good day for my country, we even beat the US in beach volleyball. :) My kid likes it as well. During the gymnastics, he walks in front of the TV, and mimics the hand movements off the tube. :)

Thanks to the people who I showed the site to, I told about 4 people about this site, but for some strange reason, 39 people have visited this site. It's a record! Well, at least no one will hear me bitch that the new shivaSite only got 50 hits the first month, like the old one did.

Strange how things work out, huh? I dug up the last design of the old shivaSite, and oddly enough, it does bear resemblance to this one, or at least the style. If I do as well with this site than I did with the old one, I will be quite happy, considering I'm "retired" from news posting now,(Actually, I'm to damn lazy to spend 4 hours a day posting news) and also with the new format with the site. A few friends were surprised when I decided to start with a manual archive, but honestly, it's getting tough to find this information now a days, and how many times have you rented a game, only to wish they included the instruction manuals with it? In fact, for several games I can reel off the top of my head, you need their instruction booklets, or your lost.

I have other plans as well, I have about 1 gig of game information sitting in my hard drive at the present moment, but for once, I will concentrate on just one thing, and that's the manuals. Those who truly know me also will know that I am capable of some real scary mass content updates, but I'm taking my time with this one. This site does have my name attached to it after all. The scary stuff will come later. :)

I think this is enough for the moment, but if there are suggestions, you can always email me. Just make sure shivaSite is in the subject line, so I don't get it mixed up with GameSurge.

Actually, to hell with it, I might just take the day off. My kid has learned how to say the word "Duck", (At least that's what I HOPE he's saying) so I will take him out to our local pond. Hopefully though, he will decide not to go swimming, unlike last time...

And the Band Played On
- reported by shiva on 9/17/00 @ 3:34 am EST

Directly below this post are the news stories from previous days, as I have put up the CGI for the news scripter. I just cut and paste the stories into the poster, so I can archive them.

It's nice to know I haven't lost my touch, and in fact, had NO PROBLEMS putting this in, unlike GameSurge, but then I can point a finger at someone who should have left well enough alone. Hell, this only took a hour, which is real damn fast, all things considering.

Next up on the CGI stuff is some internal stuff for my use, though I'm considering a forum. There's only a couple things about that, one being the fact I doubt anyone will actually use it, and the other being that GameSurge may use it. To be honest, I'm not suppose to be doing the CGI, there is a person suppose to do the CGI, but the job was so poor, GS is forum-less. I may actually end up being roped into the job, which isn't fair considering all the work I have put in to GameSurge already. Actually, it's Falcon's job, so quit playing Video Games, and get off your ass and do it. I love having my own site. :)

Minor Repairs
- reported by shiva on 9/17/00 @ 3:22 am EST

(09/16) Keep finding "little stuff" that needs fixing, just those tiny things that are annoying only because every time I find one, I slap myself in the head and wonder how I could miss that. Needless to say, I'm finding so many "little things" that I'm giving myself a headache.

In the Beginning
- reported by shiva on 9/17/00 @ 2:58 am EST

(09/13) Just started the manuals, so nothing works, except the Amiga. Still testing the site, but have a look anyway. There's over 380 manuals in there, I put them in just to see how all those links look on a page. I've always considered it a little cheap ass that people make you go from page to page just to find a particular game, so all the links are on one page. It makes for a long scroll, but it's still faster than loading up pages, and it doesn't look THAT bad. Besides, if you don't like it, you can spend the next 3 days configuring a CGI indexing system, because I sure don't feel like it at the moment.

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