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First Blood Part II
You'll have to use the most advanced guerrilla warfare tactics to rescue the captives from well-guarded concentration camps.


What's Happening

You're deep in enemy territory. But you've got to penetrate it further and get through to the concentration camps. It's the only way you'll save your fellow countrymen from certain death.
Along the way, you must battle infantrymen, artillerymen, knife soldiers, snipers, flame throwers, rocket launchers and more. All of whom would much rather see you dead than alive.
You're equipped with an M-60 and a five-hit supply of Arrow-bombs. Beyond that, all you have is your savage strength and steel nerves.
You'll enter six different levels in all -- each in different terrain. There's a jungle, a forest, a swamp, a desert, a mountain and seacoast. At the end of each round, destroy the part of the barricade that changes color with your Arrow-bomb. Only then will the road to the next level be revealed.

Who's Who

You're Rambo. The one in the green camouflage gear using player 1 control. And if you play a two player game you'll have a partner, Zane, using player 2 control.
You can play with Rambo by yourself or, with another player, you can play with both Rambo and Zane at the same time. In the first and second scenes only, you can start play with one character while another player is playing with the other character.
Alone, or together, you'll fend off and destroy the enemy. Who is everyone else.

What's What

Next to Zane (in the two-player game), your best friend on this mission is your M-60. And your second best friend is your supply of five Arrow-bombs.
Use your M-60 against the following enemy attackers:
Knife Soldiers
Bazooka Soldiers
Flame Throwers
Rocket Launchers
Use one Arrow-bomb against these attackers:
Highway Patrolmen
Use one Arrow-bomb to destroy:
A Concentration Camp (Rounds 1 through 4 only)
Use two Arrow-bombs against this attacker:

Taking Control

The following illustration shows you the control points on your SEGA SYSTEMô control pad. Throughout this instruction book we will refer to these controls by the names indicated in this illustration.

[control pad illustration]

TO MOVE Rambo (or Zane)........push the ARROWS in the desired direction.
TO FIRE the M-60.......................push BUTTON 1
TO FIRE Arrow-bombs................push BUTTON 2

Oops. Try Again

At the beginning of each game you get three lives. When you lose all of them, the game is over.
You receive an additional life every time you clear a round.

Know The Score

The points you earn for destroying different types of enemy personnel are added together to produce your final score.
Here's what earns what:
INFANTRYMEN.....................100 points
ARTILLERYMEN....................150 points
KNIFE SOLDIERS..................150 points
BAZOOKA SOLDIERS...........150 points
RIFLEMEN..............................150 points
SNIPERS..................................200 points
FLAMETHROWERS...............200 points
ROCKET LAUNCHERS..........200 points
POLICEMEN...........................100 points
HIGHWAY PATROLMEN......500 points
TANKS....................................1000 points

When you kill x number of soldiers (you won't know the secret number until it happens), you'll receive 500 extra points.

Bonus points per round
ROUND 1...............5,000 points
ROUND 2.............10,000 points
ROUND 3.............20,000 points
ROUND 4.............50,000 points
ROUND 5...........100,000 points
ROUND 6...........500,000 points

When you kill x number of soldiers (see Secret Number Bonus, above), the power of your M-60 will be increased by picking up the power sources. The shooting distance will be extended. And each shot will become even more penetrationg, allowing you to down multiple attackers with one shot.
Also, for each concentration camp destroyed, you'll get five even more powerful Arrow-bombs.

Helpful Hints

ï Be sure to save at least one of the Arrow-bombs for the end of the round when you'll need to blow up the barricade to release the captives from the concentration camp.
ï Try to make every shot count. Don't waste precious ammo shooting at air.
ï Destroy as many of the concentration camps as possible to earn extra Arrow-bombs.

--transcribed by Joe Musashi for SMS World -

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