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Diablo Revealed
written by Raven
Enter the world of Diablo, a violent and almost tragic land of mystical
powers, legendary heroes and epic battles. A land where ordinary men and
woman are forced to confront the hellspawn from our nightmares, and a land
whose entire fate will be decided upon in a war between heaven and hell.
Enter the game of Diablo, a gripping RPG Game of the Year award winner,
which has set precedence for modern Role Playing Games. In the years that
have followed since it release, Diablo has attracted and captivated an
audience which no other RPG title to date has matched, including Ultima
Online and Everquest. This aside;
Reenter the game of Diablo. A game with a dark history filled with rumors
and secrets. A game whose entire focus has changed, and a game entwined
with mysteries, hidden un-implemented sub-quests, secret characters, a
plethora of missing items, and unused movies.
This special GameSurge report Diablo Revealed, gives you a
detailed look at the changes and secrets associated with Blizzard Entertainment's
real time strategy game, Diablo. With the release of Diablo II just around
the corner, it is interesting to note the effects that Diablo has had
on it's own sequel. It is also interesting to note just how much was actually
left out of the original Diablo. With this in mind, lets
- Diablo 2 Items @ d2legit.com
- Diablo 2 Top 200
- Diablo 2 Guide
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